Welcome to Peaked Hill Studio by Valerie Sonnenthal
Updated for March 2025

Every day sadly brings challenging news. Navigating change we have no control over is essential to our health and wellbeing. Taking the time to focus on tools that help us create quiet in our mind, calm in our body and harmony in our heart has never been more important.
“No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly.
When we know this, we become free.”
– Buddha

As I continue the second month of the three-month Deep Listening Intensive through the Center for Deep Listening we are diving into the Deeply Listening Body.
Deepening and enriching these practices continues to be essential in my life.
Deep Listening (DL) makes the mundane sacred. Every sound is no longer dismissed but a way of interacting with the surrounding environment. DL instills a necessary slowing down. I enjoy the preparatory movement and exercises to heighten the entire body’s ability to receive, to vibrate with and feel nurtured by listening. I notice being a passive listener to becoming an active listener wanting to feel the furthest sounds, calibrate my body in space in relation to listening.

Click for this month's Tarot in Motion Card Pull
How to Cope with Bad News
Studio News

Rev6 Classes

Check out the short video about Rev6 Vitality, click on the image below.
Join me to learn to "repair and rebuild your body, revitalize your fascia, and regenerate your nervous system." Rev6 classes work from a range of instability challenges and variable means of resistance to restore and improve our stretch reflex through a unique sequence of movements.
Rev6 classes are small so you can expect plenty of personalized instruction. Classes use physio balls, pipes, slant boards, weights and bosu balls.
Join Rev6 Core Instructor Valerie Sonnenthal for classes/workshops.

I've been encouraged to start a blog. I invite you to follow my medical/healing journey which began in the fall of 2024. I will add to the blog monthly, feel free to to reach out, but please refer to the internet or other sources if you have medical questions.
I greatly appreciate all the support of my friends, family and extended community as I face the challenges ahead.
Studio Hours
all classes hybrid
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 a.m.
**except March 13 - April 1 class will be at 9 am**
(*please note no class 3/11/25)
Saturdays at 9 a.m.
Chilmark / Providence
*check online for in-person location
(yoga continues in PVD unless noted)
Peaked Hill Yoga is all about biomechanical health (or said another
way, your freedom of movement). It has been designed to work
through chronic pain & injuries, general aches & stiffness, and
work for the inflexible, hyper flexible and the aging body.
All levels of experience
or no prior experience, all are welcome.

Rev6 Classes
Vitality @ 10 am & 12:30 pm on Fridays
*check online for in-person location
Chilmark Studio
Rev6 Level 1 @ 9 am: Mondays 3/17 & 3/24
Providence Studio
floor finished - woohoo!
Sound Healing

*Restorative Sound Journey*
March 23 @ 11 am
*For private treatment, private events, groups, families, retreats and more, contact Valerie@PeakedHillStudio.com
or text 774-563-8282.

create an account and reserve your mat
or get a listening link
to enjoy when you need it
(*good for a week of therapeutic calm)

Relish the light of day, be grateful for all the small wonders of life, and never stop celebrating.