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Welcome to Peaked Hill Studio by Valerie Sonnenthal 

Updated for February 2025


In these turbulent times turning to one's practice, creating peace in our hearts,

and finding balance within ourselves is essential. 

" Between stimulus and response there is a space.

In that space is our power to choose our response.

In our response lies our power and freedom."

--Victor Frankl  (Holocaust Survivor)


At the end January I began a three-month Deep Listening Intensive through the

Center for Deep Listening established by composer Pauline Oliveros at Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute to "strive for a heightened consciousness of the world of sound

and the sound of the world." I could not have imagined how lucky I feel to have this

as a balancing practice in my life at this moment.

I was thrilled to participate in reading a long poem generated through this hybrid practice at the Martha's Vineyard Playhouse on January 29th and invite you via Zoom or in-person to our Cleaveland House Poetry group reading on Tuesday, February 11th

at 7:30 pm at Pathways Arts in Chilmark.


I have loved the taste of coffee since I was young, but really could not drink it for many years without getting the shakes and even a headache. In the last year I've been able to enjoy coffee with no adverse effects. My Functional Nutritional Practitioner explained that my body is more in balance and can now handle the caffeine. Since learning I may have sensitivity to mold one recommendation is to drink mycotoxin-free coffee. Online I could only find about five brands that remove mycotoxins. My favorite Providence, RI coffee is Hazel Origin Coffee who kindly checked for me and let me know their coffee is mycotoxin-free. Presently they do not have an online store, but I am waiting to hear back from the owner if this is in the works.


Click for this month's Tarot in Motion Card Pull

                                                  Studio News          


Rev6 Classes

I​​n January I had the privilege of teaching the first Vitality class to the residents at Rhode Island's Smithfield Woods Assisted Living Community in person. It was fun to introduce Rev6's Vitality program before having this group join online.

I love this supported and fun practice.

Join me to learn to "repair and rebuild your body, revitalize your fascia, and regenerate your nervous system."  Rev6 classes work from a range of instability challenges and variable means of resistance to restore and improve our stretch reflex through a unique sequence of movements.


Rev6 classes are small so you can expect plenty of personalized instruction. Classes use physio balls, pipes, slant boards, weights and bosu balls.

Join Rev6 Core Instructor Valerie Sonnenthal for classes/workshops.

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Peaked Hill Studio's Retreat program is for individuals, small groups, friends or families either on

Martha's Vineyard or in Providence, R.I.

Try a healing Yoga class, Focus on Feet Workshop, get introduced to Rev6 and wind down with a Sound Journey. If you are interested  in learning more about working with a Functional Nutrition Practitioner, or learning about Functional Medicine, consulting with a formulation Herbalist or something else related to pro-active self-care we are here to help. Contact

 Studio Hours


all classes hybrid


Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 a.m.

Saturdays at 9 a.m.

 Chilmark / Providence

*check online for in-person location

(yoga continues in PVD unless noted)

Peaked Hill Yoga is all about biomechanical health (or said another

way, your freedom of movement). It has been designed to work

through chronic pain & injuries, general aches & stiffness, and

work for the inflexible, hyper flexible and the aging body.​

All levels of experience

or no prior experience, all are welcome.


Rev6 Classes

Vitality @ 10 am & 12:30 pm on Fridays

*check online for in-person location

Chilmark Studio

Rev6 Level 1 @ 8:45 am: Mondays, February 3, 10 & 24

Feet First @ 9 am: Saturday, February 22

Providence Studio

floor repair - no workshops


        Sound Healing       


*Restorative Sound Journey*


Saturdays: February 8 @ 4 pm

March 8 @ 5 pm


no events til floor repair is complete


*For private treatment, private events, groups, families, retreats and more, contact

or text 774-563-8282.


create an account and reserve your mat

or get a listening link

to enjoy when you need it

(*good for a week of therapeutic calm)


Stop to listen to morning sounds, a favorite song, reach out to friends and family. Be playful and love yourself.


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Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8:30 am

Saturdays 9 am

Rev 6 Vitality: Fridays at 10 am & 12:30 pm

check location online

Rev6  Chilmark

Rev6 Level 1 @ 8:45 am: Mondays 2/3, 2/10 & 1/24

Feet First @ 9 am: Saturday 2/22

Peaked Hill Studio

Chilmark, MA 02535

Providence, RI 02903

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