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- TAROT | peakedhillstudio
Tarot in Motion Card Pull Miriam Jacobs , creator of Tarot in Motion , pulled four cards on How to Cope with Bad News and gives suggestions of movement you are welcom e to try. Fire placement Spiritual, Creative, Insight, Passion, Brightness, Action, Focus Vitality Water placement Emotional, Love Relationship, Connect, Flowing, Receptive, Nurturing, Merging Air placement Mental, Thought, Contemplate, Ideas, Movement, Speed, Disperse, Lightness Earth placement Physical, Sense, Work, Money, Structure, Methodical, Organize, Grounded 1. Three of Fire/Wands (fire placement) Meaning : The Three of Fire is a manifestation and assessment of what has already been implemented. It is the outcome of an action. The Three of Fire evaluates progress before moving forward. An important part of the creative process is being able to see past patterns, and also evaluating what has worked and what hasn’t, in other words we really know how to do this, and discuss opportunities.. Expressive-movement qualities : Fire with fire Dance pace : Quick Chakra : Fire/solar plexus—drive Physical focus : Forehead and eyes Astrologic influence : The pure essence of sun in Aries is what we have achieved. It is a sparkle of vitality. Intention : Stick with the repeated pattern that works. Suggested moves and props: Use a handheld telescope. Look up and down, behind and ahead. Run in a spiral. Repeat any movement pattern. 2. Nine of Water/Cups (water placement) Meaning : The Nine of Water affirms satisfaction and fulfilled dreams. The Nine of Water is about being physically and emotionally healthy and staying open for yourself and the people around you, and knowing what you want. It is tangible happiness. It means not only keeping a good frame of mind , but being grateful for what you have. Remember gratitude completes the energetic circuit. Connect with friends, share meals, and foster company. Expressive-movement qualities : Water with earth Dance pace : Moderate Chakra : Water/sexual chakra—flowing Physical focus : Feet Astrologic influence : Jupiter in Pisces shows a deep compassion for spirituality. It expands your faith. Intention : Acknowledge the joy in your life. Suggested moves and props : Walk on tiptoes while performing a belly-like dance. Include rolling movements of the abdomen. Smile. 3. XVIX. The Sun (air placement) Meaning : The Sun tells of pure happiness and being in a truly wonderful place. It exemplifies confidence, health, and vitality. It is about holding onto and believing everything is going to be okay and to hold onto that despite what is scary. Use your breath to move through what is scary. Expressive-movement qualities : Ether with fire Dance pace : Slow/still Chakra : Crown Physical focus : Belly Astrologic influence : Sun energy is ego-identified, radiant, and outgoing. It is about your personal nature. Intention : Feel the power of being in a fantastic place. Suggested moves and props : Use the entire space. Look upward. Throw metaphoric kisses up toward the sun. Do a yoga sun salutation, if you know how. Show your gratitude with a large, ecstatic grin. 4. Queen of Earth/Pentacles (earth placement) Meaning : Earth queens are another person or an aspect of yourself that is influencing the situation with a sense of security. She connects to us with loving kindness and be loving and kind to all. The Queen of Earth is a recipient of wealth and prosperity. She reflects through meditation. It is important to put your words into action (such as call your congressional representatives- try 5Calls.org ). With the Queen in the Earth placement we all must give special prayers to the Earth. Wherever we walk we are connecting to the roots. Expressive-movement qualities : Earth with water Dance pace : Moderate Chakra : Earth/root—grounded Physical focus : Neck, colon (lower abdomen), and knees Astrologic influence : All earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn Intention : Make healthful lifestyle choices. Look to where you can help others. Suggested moves and props : Wear a queen’s crown and robe. Use an abundance of scarves. Check out Miriam Jacobs Upcoming Programs
- HOME | peakedhillstudio
Welcome to Peaked Hill Studio by Valerie Sonnenthal Updated for March 2025 Every day sadly brings challenging news. Navigating change we have no control over is essential to our health and wellbeing. Taking the time to focus on tools that help us create quiet in our mind, calm in our body and harmony in our heart has never been more important. “No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly. When we know this, we become free.” – Buddha As I continue the second month of the three-month Deep Listening Intensive through the Center for Deep Listening we are diving into the Deeply Listening Body. Deepening and enriching these practices continues to be essential in my life. Deep Listening (DL) makes the mundane sacred. Every sound is no longer dismissed but a way of interacting with the surrounding environment. DL instills a necessary slowing down. I enjoy the preparatory movement and exercises to heighten the entire body’s ability to receive, to vibrate with and feel nurtured by listening. I notice being a passive listener to becoming an active listener wanting to feel the furthest sounds, calibrate my body in space in relation to listening. Click for this month's Tarot in Motion Card Pull How to Cope with Bad News Studio News Rev6 Classes Check out the short video about Rev6 Vitality, click on the image below. Join me to learn to "repair and rebuild your body, revitalize your fascia, and regenerate your nervous system." Rev6 classes work from a range of instability challenges and variable means of resistance to restore and improve our stretch reflex through a unique sequence of movements. Rev6 classes are small so you can expect plenty of personalized instruction. Classes use physio balls, pipes, slant boards, weights and bosu balls. Join Rev6 Core Instructor Valerie Sonnenthal for classes /workshops. Blog I've been encouraged to start a blog. I invite you to follow my medical/healing journey which began in the fall of 2024. I will add to the blog monthly, feel free to to reach out, but please refer to the internet or other sources if you have medical questions. I greatly appreciate all the support of my friends, family and extended community as I face the challenges ahead. Studio Hours KAIUT Y OGA Classes all classes hybrid Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. **except March 13 - April 1 class will be at 9 am* * (*please note no class 3/11/25) Saturdays at 9 a.m. Chilmark / Providence *check online for in-person location (yoga continues in PVD unless noted) Peaked Hill Yoga is all about biomechanical health (or said another way, your freedom of movement). It has been designed to work through chronic pain & injuries, general aches & stiffness, and work for the inflexible, hyper flexible and the aging body. All levels of experience or no prior experience, all are welcome. Rev6 Classes Vitality @ 10 am & 12:30 pm on Fridays *check online for in-person location Chilmark Studio Rev6 Level 1 @ 9 am : Mondays 3/17 & 3/24 Providence Studio floor finished - woohoo! Sound Healing *Restorative Sound Journey* Chilmark Sunday: March 23 @ 2 pm *For private treatment, private events, groups, families, retreats and more, contact Valerie@PeakedHillStudio.com or text 774-563-8282. create an account and reserve your ma t or get a listening link to enjoy when you need it (*good for a week of therapeutic calm) Sound Journey Relish the light of day, be grateful for all the small wonders of life, and never stop celebrating. --Valerie Subscribe to our newsletter • Don’t miss out! Email* Join I want to subscribe to your mailing list.
- BLOG | peakedhillstudio
Welcome to my Healing Journey Blog Writing is a way to process the journey I never expected. Each month a new section will appear at the top of the page, once the month has passed that section will then follow the previous. Please remember you can check online for more medical information and there are links in the text. Thank you for your support as I face the challenges ahead. - Valerie Not a letter to Nora Ephron (January - February 2025) Week after week, month after month, 2024 proved itself a year of loss, loss of friends and community members, sometimes more than one a week. At 67 years old I wondered when is my number gonna come up. So many friends have suffered through cancers and other illnesses, but I’ve been feeling really lucky.. Perhaps I should begin a series of letters to Nora Ephron, though it wasn’t Nora I was really thinking of but her sister Delia. I listened to Delia read her memoir, Left on Tenth, the loss of her sister followed by her husband’s death, and an old friend resurfacing who becomes her husband but the crux was her own battle with AML, a rare and aggressive form of cancer and the bone marrow transplants she endured. That was about two years ago. It was an inspiring life and love story, and yes I cried, maybe even had to avert my ears if it became too medically detailed – I can’t remember, except feeling lucky to be healthy. One and half years ago at the behest of my mentor [Dr. Edythe Heus], I visited a hematologist for the first time. I had had a history of low white blood cells and she thought I should check out if I had Hashimoto’s Disease. The hematologist thought I was just one of those people with a history of a low white blood count. No Hashimoto’s. Phew. For the last few years I have worked with Laura Indigo , a Functional Nutritional Practitioner and got used to more regular blood work in my life to tweak my supplement regimen. In the fall of 2024 I went from my normal low white blood count, red blood count and platelet count to a level that made my Primary Care Physician step in and insist I see the hematologist again, she sounded slightly alarmed on the phone when she said, "If you get a fever or have chills you need to go to the ER asap." My next meeting with the hematologist was over Zoom because the ferry service to the island where I live was not running. He explained I will need more blood work in a month and if that did not improve, a bone marrow biopsy would be needed to gather more information. I learned our blood is produced in our bone marrow by our DNA, something I will no longer forget. One month later, no significant change in my blood work. Although I now find science fascinating I still have a hard time holding on to the information. It was a relief to learn the biopsy could happen at our local hospital. The hematologist explained the bone marrow biopsy and said I could even drive myself to and from the procedure. In the meantime I had contacted a naturopathic group in Colorado my mentor recommended as the best “inflammatory hunters out there”, perhaps it was a delivery issue not a production issue. They told me based on some minimal testing I likely have CIRS, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, another likely culprit of not producing enough white blood cells. I sure hoped this would be my prognosis. After waiting another week to hear about setting up a biopsy I phoned the hospital and someone called later that day to confirm a procedure date. The nurse practitioner who performed the biopsy explained the procedure step by step. Getting to keep my own clothes on made everything more comfortable. When I needed to rest for 30 minutes before standing to leave, the NP asked if I wanted to see the tools she used. “Absolutely not,” came out of my mouth. Later, maybe the next day or so, I went online to look at the tools, to square what the procedure felt like to have done; there are punches, needles, a vacuum, and brushes. The biopsy was performed on January 2nd, Hello New Year! My best friend from second grade is a doctor, she asked how it felt,”well it’s like a miniature jack hammer inside your bone, boring through to get that core sample.” In my case a second try was needed to get an adequate specimen. All done, my husband picked me up and we drove home. I still had to wait for the results/diagnosis from the biopsy which would take almost a month. My next hematologist appointment was on January 30th. I was now feeling, my hematologist is a very nice doctor, but if I never had to see him again that would be nice too. Heading to the Oncology/Infusion Department from the rear hospital parking I pass five of my husband’s photographs from Latin America just twenty feet from their entrance. The waiting area consists of three chairs stuck between tall file cabinets, in a cramped space, not a waiting room exactly more like being tucked into a hall. After I finally sat myself down next to two women without masks and began to get comfortable, a young male nurse called my name and showed me to an examination room. He took my vitals and there I waited in the windowless, artless room for one hour and twenty minutes doing everything I could online, then I stood up and swung my arms to energize, did some Extra Slow Walking and finally another person walked in. To my relief it was the doctor. The good news was they found something, I had a diagnosis; the hematologist said I have MDS . Myelodysplastic Syndromes, “are a group of disorders caused by blood cells that are poorly formed or don't work properly” according to the Mayo Clinic. First off the doctor assured me nothing I’ve done would cause this, that it isn’t genetic, my sons won’t get it or pass it on – I was just unlucky. He went on and explained the various treatments possible if I did nothing and the MDS progressed into Leukemia something that can be managed, but not cured. Then he explained a bone marrow transplant (BMT) can cure MDS and the next step would be to speak with the MDS specialist at MGH, and he assured me that could be done over Zoom. Later that day I got a call from MGH (Mass General Hospital) asking me to come in for my MDS meeting and meet the Bone Marrow Transplant team! What! Wait a minute, I’m not getting a bone marrow transplant, I have no symptoms, I’m just learning what my options are at the moment. The admin lady said she’d call me back after checking this out. I got my MDS appointment for the following Friday. At least waiting the twenty minutes for this doctor I was home with my two dogs and relaxed at three in the afternoon, looking out over a sunny seascape. The MDS doctor was kind and explained that even though I have no apparent symptoms I can expect that to change in the next one to two years. I can wait and then have to have chemotherapy or other cancer treatments for leukemia which I would be getting as well as other complications and receive varying treatments over the rest of my life or I can consider a bone marrow transplant (aka stem cell transplant) while I’m healthy and cure the problem. Yes I was shaken, alone in my home, crying when I called to tell my husband, barely able to form the words in my own mouth. So sometime in the next month I will make the trip to Boston, along with my two sons (both willing to be donors), and my husband to meet the Bone Marrow Transplant team. Last night (Monday, February 10th) I realized I should find my 528mz tuning fork good for DNA repair. This morning I looked up Sanoviv Medical Institute, where a friend who is an acupuncturist spent time last year getting treatments for her self and cancer treatments for her father. BMT is scary, do they offer something similar with more functional medicine support? A longtime close friend sent my MDS summary to her cousin, a world expert in Stem Cells and Bioethics. He was kind enough to respond. I found a registry that pairs volunteer transplantees with patients who have the same cancer, in the meantime I’ll get to talk to my wedding sermonizer who had a BMT twenty-six years ago. I learned an old friend from where I lived before the Vineyard is going through it now. I’ve adopted the mantra, “I will get through this”, and variations said throughout the day when I feel my chest begin to seize up. It’s time to get up and move. Swing my arms, hum, awaken, enliven, celebrate being here now. Then I got into a researching frenzy. The greatest integrative care hospitals offer stem cell treatments, but not transplants. I reached out to the Integrative Oncology referrals I got from my Roots & Branches naturopath in Colorado, called our family therapist, spoke to the hematologist’s office to confirm an appointment for next week, heard from the MDS specialist’s office setting me up for preliminary testing before meeting with him and later with one of the doctors from the Bone Marrow Transplant team on Tuesday, March 11th with both my sons and my husband. I made a hospital rate hotel reservation nearby cause it sucks to sit in morning traffic from an inn we like in Cambridge, and I already realized there’s no way I’m driving home after the morning’s events. Maybe we can just eat lunch together and regroup before my husband, Ed and I head back to Providence. I feel lucky that a dog sitter who has stayed with the dogs at our place can hang with them til we get back. Even if the doctors say it’s ok to go to NYC in April, I’m not sure I’d be able to handle the stimulus. There’s time to figure it out. There’s time, it was suggested this BMT happen in three to six months, now we’re already at two to five months. There’s time to heal and get ready to be cured. Too much time for madness and sadness, upset and why me, random as can be, symptomless I stand hoping always for the best. The biggest surgeries in my life were a DNC and gum surgery. I have some nerve damage mostly in my right foot, but that’s about it. Writing helps keep me sane, engaging in Deep Listening practices during a three-month course I started at the end of January with the Center for Deep Listening is so grounding and nurturing. The course ends on May 3rd so the BMT could be anytime after that, or push it out to five months from now and that would buy me summer, well July. Each day the donor list of friends grows, I’m not sure I could do this for someone else. I am honored anyone would do this for me. I called my brother while taking the ferry off-Island, even he volunteered as a donor. I feel cared for, loved and supported by my friends and family – learning to allow myself to really feel these things is healing.
- Yoga | peakedhillstudio
My Yoga Journey Photo: Learning to embrace new poses, Sito Gloria Kaiut Yoga Retreat, Brazil. I first learned and regularly practiced yoga in the summer of 1974 daily at 6 a.m., in a cornfield in Boulder, Colorado. Yoga was something where I easily incurred injury so never went too deeply into my own practice. The community of yoga has provided a necessary non-judgmental place for me during traumatic periods in my life. While visiting friends in Telluride, Colorado in May 2017 I was taken to Yvonne Mosser's Kaiut Yoga class, it was so different than anything I imagined and left me curious since it was a Yoga of Biomechanics. Having recently become certified in biomechanical exercise through Katy Bowman and her Nutritious Movement work. I wanted to understand what made this the "yoga of biomechanics" so signed up for the September 2017 ten day teacher training and arrived with a torn medial meniscus. I understood within the first couple of days how to heal on my own. I brought Kaiut Yoga to Martha's Vineyard because I found everything I'd studied in the last decade happens in this practice. Every one has a unique Kaiut Yoga story. I was not looking for a nother modality in my life, but found the quiet practice of Kaiut Yoga to be so much more powerful than each modality I previously taught or practiced, it has given me greater freedom in my body and range of motion while also changing my experience of pain and a deeper calm in my whole system. I have studied with Francisco Kaiut, Cristiane Sprengel, and Luciana Ross to deepen my understanding both as a teacher and practitioner. Peaked Hill Yoga is all about biomechanical health (or said another way, your freedom of movement). It has been designed to work through chronic pain & injuries, general aches & stiffness, and work for the inflexible, hyper flexible and the aging body. Unlike most yoga that stretches muscles in extraordinary ways, Peaked Hill Yoga works from the joints. As such, it has a dramatic impact in countering the harmful effects of modern living – where most of us sit most of the day – as well as the harmful impact to our bodies of repetitive movement patterns from sports, work or our compensating behaviors for old injuries. Peaked Hill Yoga is about maintaining or returning the body to optimal structure and functionality. It’s about freedom of movement, physical system and energy flow. It’s about keeping us as healthy, mobile and pain free as possible for as long as possible. With more freedom of body comes freedom of mind. It’s about a better quality of life. View our Peaked Hill Yoga schedule View Schedule
- FOOT WORK | peakedhillstudio
Foot Work Enjoy a 1-hour weekly Foot Work class on Tuesdays at 11am WHAT: Each class will last 60 minutes and be unique. Classes will be inspired by many modalities and people I have studied with. WHO: This class is tailored for everyone, whether you have no pain or your feet always hurt. We will be hands on, no socks, sitting and standing. If you need to work from a chair we have those too. WHY: We demand so much from our feet and rarely pay attention to nurturing our feet beyond a pedicure or occasional foot massage, but our feet need to be able to articulate movement. Our feet should have t he same dexterity as our hands, so any work with our feet helps to improve circulation from our feet to our hips, improves balance and promotes healing. WHEN: Tuesdays at 11am Class reservations required and No Drop-ins. All participants must be vaccinated. Masks are required as of 8/20/21. All policies are subject to change based on state and local health guidelines. We have created a new waiver to include confirmation of you receiving a vaccination and that at least 14 days have passed symptom and illness free. Foot Work rsvp
- Peaked Hill Studio | About
Valerie Sonnenthal Studio Founder/Teacher Valerie grew up in Manhattan engaging from a young age in many sports, and enduring subsequent injuries from those and life. Approaching 50 with chronic foot pain Valerie began studying Foot Work practices and healing modalities, leading her to biomechanically based yoga where all of these modalities happened in one practice, as well as to Rev6 where the support for the elasticity of her fascial system has happily become more resilient with age. Rev6 creator Dr. Edythe Heus (right) and I play catch on rotating discs. Teaching is a way for Valerie to share tools that allow us to have a different relationship with our bodies so we can promote healing, stay out of pain, balance our nervous system and enjoy our body. She is or has been certified/authorized as a Sound Practitioner through the NYC's Open Center Sound Music Institute; a Gong Master; an 1000+hour KYT Kaiut Yoga® instructor; a Rev6 Level 1, Pelvic Floor Fitness and Vitality instructor, a Nutritious Movement Restorative Exercise Specialist and Foot Specialist; a level 2 MELT Method instructor, Gyrotonic/Gyrokinesis® instructor, a Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra® teacher, Reiki Level 2 and a Yamuna Foot Practitioner. Other great teachers Valerie has studied with include Eric Franklin creator of The Franklin Method; Liz Koch, author of The Psoas Book; Katy Bowman, creator of Nutritious Movement; Tami Lynn Kent in Holistic Pelvic Care; monochord with Martina Glaser-Boehme of Feeltone, tuning forks with Dr. John Beaulieu; Gong with Don Conreaux; singing bowls and more including Pat Moffit Cook, Joule L'Adara, Ysaye Barnwell, Silvia Nakaach, and others. She enjoys sharing her learning with her students to improve their daily well-being and welcomes the opportunity to help people find a better balance in their own bodies so they can live without pain, through modalities/practices anyone can do for themselves. Learn more about Valerie's yoga journey . Billie Burke Studio Teacher Billie moved full-time to Martha's Vineyard in 2009, where she has deep family roots in Harthaven. While running a real estate company with her husband for the past 20 years, she saw her four children through high school, now all back on the Island pursuing careers in hospitality and entertainment endeavors. With a brief introduction to yoga in Cambridge in the '80s, Billie was introduced to Kaiut Yoga by Valerie at Peaked Hill Studio in 2018 and instantly fell in love. Where a void was starting to be filled with the concept of aging, Kaiut Yoga was an awakening to a new beginning, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Valerie quickly became her mentor, leading her to Kaiut Teacher Training experiences with Francisco Kauit in Telluride and Boulder, CO, and Folsom, CA, earning nearly 700 hours of training in the Kaiut Method. Billie completed the first 300-hour online Kaiut Teacher Training program, earning her International Kaiut Yoga Teaching Certification.Billie also attended her third live and final in-person Teacher Training with Francisco Kaiut in 2022. Rachel Elion Baird Studio Teacher Rachel Elion has been a part-time Islander since 2000, mostly up in Aquinnah. When not teaching classes you might find her practicing the Kaiut method on a local beach, year round. Rachel Elion Baird, RYI, LMT, CH was first introduced to original forms of yoga in San Francisco, California as a child. She has been on the path of Yogini for most of her life. Studying various forms of spiritual knowledge, energy healing and bodywork as well as yogic practices including Hatha, Anna Forest Method, Anusara, Bhakti, Restorative, Yoga Nidra, somatic and the therapeutic Kaiut Yoga Method, she brings a deep history, rich experience and understanding of the path of yoga to her classes. A grounded and kind guide, her approach is truly transformative. Rachel Elion Baird has immersed herself in the healing arts for the past forty years. A Certified Hypnotherapist and yogini, she also studied and taught at the Berkeley Psychic Institute and has tended a full-time healing/holistic health practice for thirty-three years. Rachel Elion’s meditation and yoga her-story includes a 300-hour teacher training with the founder of Kaiut Yoga, who she continues to study with. After completing a year-long study with the Buddhist Retreat center Tara Mandala on the 21 Aspects of Tara for spiritual embodiment, Rachel Elion maintains a daily Tara yogic meditation practice. She is the Walla for the band Bhakti, holding the energetic and musical space for Kirtan call and response chanting on Island every Sunday. Rachel Elion’s somatic lens to asana practice helps the brain and nervous system retrain to let go of limiting patterns that cause pain and restriction. Her classes are centering and awakening to the body/mind/spirit connection, with deep and focused awareness, balancing the nervous system to access change. Rachel Elion teaches sequences in a safe and powerful way for every – body to enliven according to the needs of the individual. Peaked Hill Studio in the News Press Mentions Read about studio owner Valerie Sonnenthal Read about KAIUT Yoga® and Peaked Hill Studio Read about Restorative Sound Listen to a Laurel Reddington interview about Sound Baths with Valerie Sonnenthal MV Times April 2023 MV Times July 2019 MV Times 2018 MV Times 2024 MV Times 2016 Sound interview with WMVY
- SOUND | peakedhillstudio
Restorative Sound Journeys Peaked Hill Studio owner Valerie Sonnenthal offers Restorative Sound Journeys using Himalayan and Crystal Singing Bowls, Monochords, Chimes, and other instruments. The resonant vibrational healing qualities of the instruments can help to alleviate pain and discomfort, inviting deep relaxation and relief. This enables the body to make the shifts necessary for healing to take place on all levels. Upcoming Restorative Sound Journeys Chilmark Sunday: March 23 @ 2 pm Reserve an in-person mat or buy a listening link, good for a week. Sound Journey Sign Up For groups, privates and special events please contact Valerie directly.
- Peaked Hill Studio | Hands & Feet
HANDS & FEET I focus on modalities to help stay pain free, increase mobility and balance. Each of the below modalities offers anyone who cares to be pro-active ways to improve and eradicate pain, specific issues like bunions, neuromas, plantar fasciatis, hammertoes, and other common ailments as well as improve circulation, balance and general well-being. The order below represents my learning path. Yamuna Foot Fitness® The feet actually need very little attention to stay in good working order. Once you begin working on your feet, you will see your legs, hips and back improve also. After you know how to practice Yamuna® Foot Fitness, you can find which routines work best for you and do as little as 5 minutes a day to keep your feet happy. Taking care of your feet daily alters your general state of well being by increasing your circulation, stimulationg nerve endings, opening space between the bones, and helping alleviate a host of common foot pain. Yamuna's work comes from years of experience and recognition of the importance of daily Foot Fitness is in our lives. To learn more click Yamuna Foot Fitness Nutritious Movement® Katy Bowman's Nutritious Movement® is a biomechanically based approach to creating a movement-based lifestyle. Katy's was the second work I found focused on foot health. She has written three books just about feet plus many others where you can learn exercises to incorporate throughout your day to create healthier feet and a more mobile body. To learn more click Nutritious Movement MELT Method® Hand and Foot Instructor The MELT Method® is a simple self-treatment system that restores the supportiveness of the body's connective tissue to eliminate chronic pain, improve performance, and decrease the accumulated stress caused by repetitive postures and movements of everyday living. New research has revealed the missing link to pain-free living: a balanced nervous system and healthy connective tissue. These two components work together to provide whole-body support, protection, and mind-body communication. Manual therapist Sue Hitzmann has transformed groundbreaking neurofascial science and hands-on therapies into a one-of-a-kind treatment method called MELT. To learn more click MELT Method
- ONLINE CLASSES | peakedhillstudio
Online Yoga Classes How to join our live online Peaked Hill Yoga classes: Go to the Class Schedule page above and click on the class you would like to attend to make a reservation. All students who have made reservations will receive an email 15-20 minutes before the start of class which will include the link and password for the online class. Click on the link in the email, enter the password provided and the online class will open on your screen. (Note: You may receive a prompt to download the Zoom app first before opening the class on your screen. You are encouraged to download the app for a better zoom experience.) Be sure to open the class on your device at least 10-15 minutes before class so you will have time to set up your camera so the teacher can see you and so you can settle in before class. Please pick a tranquil space in your home with both a strong WiFi signal and an area that can accommodate legs up the wall and **log in no later than 5-10 minutes prior to class time for check-in. Set up your camera at one end corner of your mat ideally on a low table or slightly raised from the floor . Props & Equipment * Ideally you have a mat at home, or just use a rug/carpet or towel. For standing poses use bare floor and bare feet. * If you do not have a bolster, you can use a pillow, rolled blanket, rolled mat with a towel. * Have a yoga strap or an equivalent strap at least 6' long. * Yoga blocks (2) of any variety or you can use books, thermoses or other objects the same height that can accommodate weight. If you don't have blocks don't worry using your imagination works too.