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Tarot in Motion Card Pull


Miriam Jacobs, creator of Tarot in Motion, pulled three cards on Preparing for Seasonal Change and gives suggestions of movement you are welcome to try.


For Body: Ace of Water/Cups

Meaning: All aces are a new beginning and a time to check in with our bodies, each part of our bodies and how we feel. The Ace of Water indicates a new love, any kind of love—self- love, health love, body love and/or friendly, parental, or romantic love. It is a new way of feeling and asks us to tap into our psychic abilities through our body. Where is the right feeling? Or not right feeling? For example if you have a stomach ache, ask what the not right feeling is about. Is it something you can’t stomach? It could be in a part of our body or in our flow, and the way we move. the source of anything psychic. For any practice involving water (swimming or bathing), make sure you feel your body to help more deeply relax.


Expressive-movement qualities: Pure water                      Dance pace: Slow/still
Chakra: Water
Physical focus: Chest, pelvis, and feet

Astrologic influence: All water signs; Cancer, Scorpio,      and Pisces

Intention: Open your heart.


Suggested moves and props: Hold a cup, water bottle, or bowl in both hands up to your heart as an offering.


For Mind: Four of Water/Cups


Meaning: The Four of Water is about keeping our mind still, balancing being stagnant with comfort and safety and creating stability. It’s a place in our mind trying to calm down our emotions, be in touch with our feelings without becoming overwhelmed. Keep checking in where our thoughts are and to remain objective as a protective measure. We are preparing to go into a period of reflection and allowing that for ourselves. The Four of Water ranges from feeling comfortable, even luxurious, to stagnant and apathetic.

Expressive-movement qualities: Water with water  
Dance pace: Quick
Chakra: Water/sexual chakra—flowing
Physical focus: Chest
Astrologic influence: Moon in Cancer calms down our emotions. It either provides safety or can feel like a wall around our emotions. Moon in Cancer shows a need for cautiousness.

Intention: Become aware of your emotional safety. Make sure you are safe, but not detached from your feelings.


Suggested moves and props: Put on gloves and shake them off. Sit or stand sideways to the audience, look at them, and then look away. Connecting, then detaching.


For Spirit:  King of Earth/Pentacles


Meaning: Earth kings are another person or an aspect of yourself that is influencing the situation in a paternal way. He is practical and confident. He calmly takes control which means how we take control over our spiritual well being. We can do this by meditation. He reminds us not to be so miserly, but to give. The King of Earth is practical, grounded or goes down into our lower chakras. Also he is a good business authoritarian.

Expressive-movement qualities: Earth with air 
Dance pace: quick
Chakra: Earth/root—grounded
Physical focus: Neck, colon (lower abdomen), and knees

Astrologic influence: All earth signs: Taurus, /Virgo and Capricorn


Intention: Be a little extravagant, splurge


Suggested moves and props: Walk around, with crossed arms, and pretend that you are managing others in a kind way. Wear a crown and robe.

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